
Cross Shot

Connect with your audience and potential clients by using video!

Create authentic, organic video quickly and easily with our


Video Kit

Easy to set up and use. All you have to add is your iPhone or video device.  We provide training and coaching on how we’ve been super successful. Get started now!

“This video kit is complete and so easy to use!
It’s everything you need in one kit!”

JKA Consulting

Easy to set up and use

Fits in a small drawstring athletic bag

Makes you look like you hired a videographer!

Here is everything you need to get started creating your own video content.
Simply use the links below to create your own kit!


Tripod & Selfie Stick
(with Remote)

Smartphone Video Rig

Camera Mic

Patch Cord Cable

iPhone Cord Adapter

Drawstring Bag

For for more info contact us at

Contact Form Demo (#1)