Imagine selecting software for your healthcare facility based on YOUR team's needs.
What if your implementation goes smoothly? What if you your team gets the right amount of training before going live?
These are some of the benefits customers receive with the help of Ancil Lea Consulting.
Ancil Lea & Associates have developed a unique scorecard for rating the software needs of your facility. This ensures that you get the right software for the right budget.
"Putting a new system in a medical facility usually amplifies a problem that already exists either in staff, workflow, or management." Ancil Lea
How football, technology & healthcare saved a life
Ancil knows first-hand how improving technology can help save your life! In 2012 he collapsed at a high school football game.
Ancil was at the game to watch his son play. He thought he had a heart attack. The doctors at the hospital checked for possible blockage. The found everything clear.

Later he learned he had Pancreatitis. He had to change his lifestyle.

"I just knew I wanted to be there to see my kids go to school," he said, "and I know I wanted to see them when they came home."
As a result, Ancil changed how he did business.
There would be no more working sunup to sundown. He cherished time with his family, and he began making time to be more involved in their lives.
He knows first hand how technology can streamline business and make work much more efficient. As a result, he knows how healthcare offices can streamline admin work and get their staff home to see their families.
30+ years of medical software expertise
Ancil is a veteran of both the software and healthcare industries selling software for over 30 years.
After helping the State of Arkansas with the implementation of the HiTech Act, Lea decided to help facilities choose software based on their needs.
He watched as facilities struggled to implement software to fulfill regulatory requirements.
Often, facilities were choosing software based on poor reasons. Smart people were making bad choices. Sometimes, facilities throw out good software because of the failure to properly implement it.
Sometimes, facilities devalued essential things such as training and implementation, and it cost them money.

He decided to roll up his sleeves and help.
Ancil and his team developed the Scorecard Framework that helps medical staff determine the types of features they need and helps them implement the best software for their needs.
Ancil Lea and his team also have the expertise to help implement and train staff on the software.
COMING SOON: "5 Secrets to Medical Software Success - Selection- Adoption"
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Speaking Apperances
Good Morning Arkansas
Common Grounds book
For the past three years, Ancil has been a frequent healthcare columnist for the state media publication Talk Business and Politics. In 2016, Ancil authored a small ebook, CYBER WAR: Securing Patient Health Information in Today’s Electronic Environment, which was endorsed and promoted by the Arkansas Medical Society.
Ancil released his latest book, 'Common Grounds' in October of 2017 and is available on Amazon and Audible.